Leadership Integrity
Published in INSIGHT - Spring 2019
By Fred Campbell

Dennis Waitley in his book Being the Best reports the story of Reuben Gonzales, a leading racquetball player. Gonzales reached the final in his first ever professional tournament. Holding match point in the fifth and final game, he made an amazing “kill shot” into the front corner. The ball was called good. Match over, Gonzales declared the winner. Or was he? Gonzales turned around and said his serve hit the floor before it reached the wall. He lost his serve and his opponent won the match and the tournament.
In its next issue, the National Racquetball Magazine featured Gonzales on its cover. Everyone wanted to know why Gonzales, a professional sportsman, disqualified himself after being declared the winner of the match point. His answer was simple: “It was the only thing I could do to maintain my integrity.”
INTEGRITY. Webster defines it as “wholeness, completeness.” Integrity is having a well-balanced life. It is to personal or corporate character what health is to the body or 20/20 vision is to the eyes. A leader with integrity is not divided (that is duplicity) or merely pretending (that is hypocrisy.) He or she is “whole;” life is “put together,” and things are working together harmoniously…
Leaders of integrity:
• Tell no one (not even family members or prayer partners) confidential matters.
• Do not fear the probing light of scrutiny.
• Have the courage to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, though it may cost them.
• Refuse to cut ethical corners.
• Handle success, prosperity, and promotions with grace and dignity…
• Are personally reliable, keeping their promises.
Psalm 78:72 says of King David, he shepherded them [the nation of Israel] with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” That is a perfect balance for a leader. A good leader has skillful hands to deal with situations that have no rules, no boundaries, no precedence. And they have a heart of integrity, a well-balanced life.
He who walks in integrity, walks securely. . . (PROVERBS 10:9)
Fred Campbell is a retired minister who how leads Living Grace Ministries. He can be reached at fred@livinggraceministries.com.