Why Get Certified If You Know How to Do Your Job?

With the 2018 national conference just a few weeks away, we are busy gathering and finalizing all the details to recognize individuals who have completed work to become Certified Church Administrators (CCAs) and those who have completed retention work to maintain their certification. It is a highlight focus at the conference each year. As one who personally holds three certifications, I understand the commitment.
Many in the association hold MBA degrees, have completed seminary work, and are either licensed CPAs or SHRM certified HR professional. So for some, the question comes, “Why get certified if you know how to do your job?” Of course, the answers to this will vary from individual to individual, but let’s take a stab at answering the “why certify?” question.
Are you the kind of person who likes to be the best at what you do? Certification is a ticket to “stand out in the crowd.’” Whereas there are quality administrative leaders serving congregations without designation, the recognition of certification demonstrates that you have taken every measure possible to be at the top of your profession. It shows your value to your current congregation and speaks of commitment to potential future ministries that you may serve. It is a positive way to market your skill.
By becoming certified when certification is not required to do your job,you are showing initiative. Unlike a degree diploma, certification has an expiration date. By being certified and maintaining certification, you say to your church, and colleagues you are committed to keeping current with the skills and knowledge needed to do your work. It separates you from your peers as a leader in the ministry you serve and your profession.
CCA certification connects you with a strong network of TCN-certified peers. Earning a CCA credential plugs you into a prestigious community of ongoing support. Although membership is not required to become certified, you can enhance your connection even more by maintaining membership in national TCN. You will become a part of the strong and long-standing reputation for integrity and excellence of the association.
So how about you? Perhaps you are new to the profession just out of school and asking is this a long-term career. Perhaps you have completed a long and successful career in another industry and now feel called to minister in a congregation. Or maybe you have been at this a while and wanted to up the game to be even stronger in your understanding and execution of ministry. Check out certification. Ask anyone with CCA and the end of their name, and they will tell you about their journey and the rewards of doing the work. Call if you want to talk about your CCA journey. Attend the “So You Want to Be a CCA?” workshop at the national conference.
To learn more go to http://thechurchnetwork.com/certify