Article Resources


The Landscape of Church Funding 

The Church has been a cornerstone of community support for generations, providing spiritual guidance, social services, humanitarian aid, and other essential components of society. However, as the significant changes in the world...

Just What Is a Healthy Church Anyway?

It’s a question we’ve been asked dozens of times when we tell someone we are an advisor or coach at the Center for Healthy Churches (CHC): “Exactly what do you mean by a healthy church?”

Is Your Facility Church Healthy?

That may sound like an odd question unless you have ever hung around me. If you have, you know I am passionate about the “health” of church facilities.sionate about the “health” of church facilities. I strongly believe in what we refer to as Facility Stewardship...

Church Enshrinement Syndrome

Now it’s coming together. I’m finally recognizing what’s happening in churches after listening to some of their stories. It’s like a virus has infected their churches, constraining spiritual energy and missional progress.

Are You Thinking Strategically?

Much of our decision making over the past two years has been reactive. Continually shifting COVID protocols, political polarization, and local and global turmoil leave us feeling fragmented. ou may be wondering whether you have been strategic enough.

Is Your Organization’s Internal Financial Reporting Process Exactly Backward?

Why is it that in many nonprofit organizations, the top leaders and decision‐makers of the organization, who are not accountants, are given the organization’s critical financial information in a format designed by accountants for accountants?

Meet the Leader – Ron Salomon, CTO at Brooklyn Tabernacle

Ron Salomon is the chief technology officer at The Brooklyn Tabernacle, a multicultural, non-denominational church in the heart of downtown Brooklyn, New York. Denise Craig, the CEO of The Church Network (TCN), had an opportunity to talk with Ron about his recent experience at the TCN Annual Conference, as well as his experience as a church leader.

Winterization Tips For Your Church Facility

With winter fast approaching, it is a wonderful time to look at some of the ways you can winterize your church facility. There are several valuable resources out there that detail many of the most common items to check.

Right-Sizing Your Staff

Many churches have been struggling for years to raise the financial resources needed to maintain the staffing model they’ve “always had.”  This struggle has come into even sharper focus now, given the pandemic’s impact on church giving. Given that growing focus...

Reminds Nonprofit Organizations to Evaluate Property Tax Exemptions Annually

Most jurisdictions provide relief from property taxes to qualifying nonprofit organizations that own real property (e.g., land and buildings) and/or personal property (e.g., furniture, equipment, leasehold improvements) located in that jurisdiction. Generally, exemptions are based on the ownership and use of the property...

Designing an Effective Chart of Accounts for Churches

“Why can’t we just keep the weekly ‘flower fund’ on the church books?” This was a question recently posed by a passionate church volunteer who uses a small $50 fund to make sure there are fresh flowers at the front of the sanctuary each week. 

Letting Staff Go with Integrity

In the next year it is likely that your congregation will have to fire someone. As we come out of the pandemic, every congregation will have to reevaluate its staffing structure. Do you have the right people with the right skills to lead your congregation through the next chapter? Some new hires may be needed...

Employee Retention Credit
Are Churches Leaving Money on the Table?

With new rules in play, churches may benefit from a much improved employee retention credit.  While the potential credit for 2020 is $5,000 per employee, it has been increased for 2021 to  $28,000 per employee.  Even though...

Getting on the Same Page

Buildings are reopening and in-person engagement is slowly coming back. As leaders look to the future, many wonder how to build consensus about the next chapter. Over the past several weeks, my phone has been ringing off the hook with clients looking for help with planning.

Apple M1 Macs – Yes or No?

Apple introduced Macs with a new chipset late last year, and many are excited about it! Honestly, I am too! The specs suggest great improvements in processing power and speed, and like the Tom Cruise character said in Top Gun,  “I feel the need… the need for speed!”  And the fact that it’s from Apple has those we affectionately refer to as the fanboys especially excited!

Addressing the Budget in Difficult Times 

Many churches find themselves in a challenging situation regarding their budget because of COVID-19 or other reasons. You may find yourself responsible for having to cut huge chunks from your existing budget. It is a daunting task, and where do you start? I have been involved with church and mission finances for more than 30 years and have been through this process more than a few times. The following is a process I have used with some success.

Staff Working Remotely

An increasing number of church and ministry staff members are working remotely. Whether at home, a coffee shop, or a community center, facilitating their needs is becoming an important part of leadership policy setting. What are the pros and cons? And what tools help?

5 Practices for Coaxing Order out of Chaos

Chaos is a natural by-product of innovation. Innovation happens best in conditions of upheaval, disturbance, and dissonance. However, people expect their leaders to keep things calm, predictable, and orderly. How do we coax order out of chaos without squelching innovation?

Why Get Certified If You Know How to Do Your Job?

With the 2018 national conference just a few weeks away, we are busy gathering and finalizing all the details to recognize individuals who have completed work to become Certified Church Administrators (CCAs) and those who have completed retention work to maintain their certification. It is a highlight focus at the conference each year.