TCN Virtual Certification Center

Church Administration Certification - Offering Core Modules A & B


Members: $600 per module
Non-Members: $900 per module
*Price will increase $100 one week prior


CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: There is a $100 cancellation fee if request is received before the first class begins. Once classes begin, there is no refund.


Online seminars will meet once a week for eight weeks in the fall (Core Module A) and eight weeks in the spring (Core Module B).

Core Module A: 

Sep 4, 2025 - Oct 23, 2025

*Dates are subject to change

Online seminars will be offered during the day, Thursdays, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern Time.

Registration for Module A is open!

The Virtual Certification Center is now approaching its 6th year of operation, beginning in the fall of 2019! 

The latest Module A class had 42 participants. Classes meet on Thursdays, from noon to 3 p.m. Eastern Time.  The first two hours are instruction from an experienced practitioner, with participants in small groups (five or six to a group) for the third hour to discuss questions provided by the instructor.  There is a small amount of homework each week in addition to the online class.

Since September, 2019, The Church Network has offered Core Curriculum seminars leading toward certification in an online platform.  This has expanded the reach of The Church Network as well as allowing those interested in furthering their knowledge, credibility, and employability through certification to obtain this education without the added factors of travel, time away from work and family, and cost. 

The weekly time requirement for the eight core seminars is about 6 hours, which will include, live online teaching, online discussion in groups, homework, and practical application in the place of ministry.

Eight core courses –

  • Strategic Planning Issues
  • Human Resources Issues – Legal
  • Human Resources Issues – Personnel
  • Communications Issues
  • Financial Issues – Accounting
  • Financial Issues – Budgeting
  • Legal and Tax Issues
  • Facilities and Property Issues

Virtual Certification Center - Module A 2025 Registration

You must sign in to register
You must sign in or create an account from the link at the top right of the page to register. If you are already logged in, you can proceed with your registration.

A certification program in Church Administration has been established to provide recognition for those serving as leaders in the local church. Those who meet the requirements of The Church Network will be given the designation of Certified Church Administrator (CCA). Several denominations also certify those who attend these seminars and meet other specified requirements.

The certification process includes completions of Core Module A, B, and 40 hours of CEU credit and a project. The project is to be done with sufficient depth and thought to constitute a satisfactory research-action project and be a responsible contribution to the field.

Refunds There is a $100 cancellation fee if the request is received before the first class begins. Once classes begin, there is no refund.
Contact:: Peyton Johnson - TCN Director of Education & Events
9/4/2025 - 10/23/2025