
Upcoming Learning Opportunities

February 26, 2025

How to Assess Your Accounting Systems

with Jeff Roberts, CPA & John Hughes, CPA


Do you feel like something could be improved with your church’s finances but just can’t decide where or how to start?  This webinar will help you conduct a self-assessment of several key areas of your church’s finances and then help you to prioritize where to start making changes.  We will cover how to conduct systematic reviews of your processes, software, reporting, and your team and then discuss implementation strategies.  As John Maxwell says, “Don’t ever underestimate the power of planning!”

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This webinar qualifies for CPE credit
click here for information on CPE credit
Classification: Specialized Knowledge
Program Knowledge Level: Basic - Advanced

Jeff Roberts 
is an outsourced CFO with CliftonLarsonAllen in Colorado Springs, Colorado. For over 30 years he has been helping nonprofits achieve financial excellence by improving reporting, cashflow management, strategic planning, and systems implementations. Jeff has extensive experience with religious and other nonprofits loves seeing his clients succeed.

John Hughes 
has over 20 years of experience in finance and accounting, primarily serving religious and nonprofit organizations. He works in CLA’s Client Advisory and Accounting Services practice, focusing on the nonprofit sector. John is passionate about helping faith-based organizations achieve their potential through sound financial stewardship and strong leadership. He lives in North Idaho with his wife and five children and works out of CLA’s Spokane, WA office.

Previously Presented Webinars

These presentations and more are available in TCN's e-Learning Lab 


Achieving Long-Term Goals – How to Make it Happen

with Denise Craig

Presented on 04/17/2024
Have you ever really wanted to accomplish something, but you just couldn’t seem to get any traction? Whether it’s a professional goal, a health-related goal, or a spiritual one, there are a few things to keep in mind to help you along the way. In this free webinar, we will explore some tips, wisdom, and life hacks that can help you get un-stuck and back on track to pursue your dreams.
*At the end, there will be a bonus resource for those who want to start the process of becoming a Certified Church Administrator. *

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Tax & Legal Update: 2023 Year End

with Frank Sommerville, JD, CPA

Presented on 12/7/2023
This webinar will discuss year-end topics, such as contribution receipts and cutoff, W-9s for contract labor, revised W-4s for employees, retirement plan amendments and contributions, and many other topics that will help you through December’s chaos. 

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Navigating AI's Legal Landscape: Discover the Future of Church Leadership

With Erika Cole


Presented on 09/14/2023
In an era where technology is reshaping the way we engage with the world, it's essential for churches to explore new avenues that align with their mission. Join Erika Cole, The Church Attorney® as she delves into the realm of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and its legal implications for churches. How can church leaders effectively leverage AI to connect with an evolving society and a culture that's seeking new ways to engage? This webinar goes beyond the surface, not only acknowledging AI's vast potential, but also addressing the crucial legal and risk management facets. From harnessing AI for scripture research and sermon preparation to exploring its role in worship music and even holograms, Erika will guide us through the numerous opportunities AI presents, all while providing essential insights and cautions from a legal standpoint. As your church embraces innovation, be equipped with the knowledge to navigate AI's dynamic landscape.

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Biblical Counseling: Legal Considerations to Help Your Ministry Thrive

with Mark Francis Juba 

Presented on 08/10/2023

Biblical counseling programs serve a vital role in serving the community.  However, there exist many pitfalls that could create unintended risk. This webinar provides you with the basic tools to strengthen your counseling program and seeks to give you the confidence to continue doing God’s work. 
First, this webinar walks through ways to mitigate risk related to the key claims normally asserted against a church’s counseling program.  These key areas include: 
1, clergy malpractice or negligent counseling; 
2, breach of confidentiality; 
3, sexual misconduct; and 
4, child abuse.
 Second, the webinar emphasizes the importance of proper insurance and explains professional liability insurance for such counseling programs.  
Third, this webinar highlights the crucial state law distinctions between: 
1, licensed professional counseling; and 
2, Christian, pastoral, and biblical counseling programs.  
Certain measures must be actively taken and prohibited to avoid triggering mandatory compliance with a state’s licensed professional counseling laws.  
Fourth, this webinar explores emerging legal trends (often anti-Christian) impacting Christian, pastoral, and biblical counseling programs and how to navigate them.  Plus, every The Church Network webinar attendee and My Church Law Firm Annual Membership Plan (AMP) client shall receive free sample draft counseling and related documents.  Come join us for the hour in support of your counseling ministry!

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