November 14, 2024
9am - 3pm CST
Location: Zoom Meeting

Early-bird pricing through 11/6

$99 TCN National Members
$139 Non-Members

Regular pricing 11/7
$129 TCN National Members
$169 Non-Members

Register Here

TCN Virtual FastTrack - Accounting

Join us online for a Virtual FastTrack November 14, as we explore accounting topics with five outstanding CPAs who are familiar with churches and nonprofits. This session will be eligible for both CEU and CPE education credits. Block the day, grab some snacks, and let’s hone our skills as we learn and connect! 


Mike Batts, CPA


Bio: Mike Batts is the managing partner of Batts Morrison Wales & Lee, a national CPA firm dedicated exclusively to serving nonprofit organizations and their affiliates across the United States. Mike has more than 30 years of experience serving nonprofit organizations in a variety of ways. He has served on and chaired the boards of nonprofit organizations – both nationally and locally. He advises nonprofit organizations on matters related to board governance, financial oversight, tax compliance and strategy, risk management, corporate structure, international activities, and other related topics. Mike has authored several books and has actively engaged in nonprofit legislative matters at the federal and state levels. Mike leads BMWL’s national headquarters office in Orlando as well as its Dallas office. 

Topic: Impact of the Election on the Future of Nonprofit Tax Law and Year-End Tax Tips for Churches
The 2024 federal election has the potential to have major implications for federal tax laws – including laws that are highly relevant to nonprofit organizations and their donors.  We will discuss what significant tax policy matters could be affected and how.  We will also discuss some year-end tax tips for churches.

Elaine Sommerville, CPA

Sommerville & Associates, P.C.

Elaine Sommerville, CPA is the sole shareholder of Sommerville & Associates, P.C.  She regularly speaks for the Texas Society of CPAs, The Church Network, and the Houston Church Coop.  She is the author of Church Compensation – From Strategic Plan to Compliance 2nd Edition  (Christianity Today 2021) in addition to contributing to several other publications produced by Church Law and Tax and Thomson Reuters.

Topic: 5 Ways Churches Stumble in Payroll
The path to accurate payroll reporting is not always paved smoothly.  Failure to understand and apply rules can create costly stumbling blocks.  This session will review 5 of the most common stumbling blocks that may appear along the path to successfully accomplishing payroll and fulfilling the related obligations of the church. 


Hannah Lanser, CPA

Wegner CPAs

Bio: Hannah Lanser, CPA is a senior audit manager at Wegner CPAs, leading the religious niche practice that provides assurance, tax, and advisory services. She has a passion for financial stewardship and accountability and has years of experience working with churches, religious organizations, and nonprofits. She is a firm believer in helping organizations be above reproach in their financial and organizational leadership.
Topic: Revenue Recognition and Tax Considerations for Outside Entities
In our session, we will discuss the administrative, tax, and accounting considerations for launching new entities and nonprofits from your organization through fiscal sponsorships. We will also discuss the contrasting fiscal agent relationship and tax considerations for renting your facility to outside organizations.

Dondi Hayhurst, CPA

Sommerville & Associates, P.C.

Bio: Dondi Hayhurst joined Sommerville & Associates, P.C. in 2010, and she has been serving nonprofit organizations since 2000. She provides general consulting accounting services to churches & other exempt organizations. Dondi is a member of the TXCPA, the Fort Worth Chapter of TXCPA, and the Greater Fort Worth Chapter of the Church Network. 

Topic: If You Didn’t Document, You Didn’t Do It
During this session, we will explore why documentation is important, including pitfalls & benefits of expense tracking applications, meal & travel receipt requirements, documentation for tax-exempt protection, and more.  

Barbara Starley, CPA

On-Call Controller

Bio: Using real-life examples and stories, Barbara will demonstrate how to use the seven pillars of a Good Steward Church as the framework for making wise decisions, creating accountability, and avoiding mistakes that could easily jeopardize the reputation of your church and cripple the fulfillment of your God-given mission.

Topic: Seven Pillars of a Good Steward Church
Clear and complete communication is key to your ministry running smoothly. Join as we discuss the importance of Operations Manuals, Staff Handbooks and Staff Lifestyle Agreements. We call these the holy trinity of HR documents because they are critical in the stewardship of your organization and the discipleship of your team.



CEU/CPE Information

Participants will be rewarded with 0.5 CEUs for completing the entire day of FastTrack. CEUs will count towards CCA Certification and retention. If you are interested in enrolling in certification fill out the registration form here. If you have any questions direct them to Darby Roach at
The National Association of Church Business Administration (NACBA), doing business as The Church Network (TCN), is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

NACBA has been approved by the NASBA to provide CPE credit for "Group Live" and "Group Internet Based" programs, so certain workshops offered at our national conference and certain of our Webinars are eligible for CPE credit. Our NASBA sponsor ID is 115907. 

NACBA is registered with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy as a CPE sponsor. This registration does not constitute an endorsement by the board as to the quality of our CPE program. Our Texas sponsor ID is 010089.

In order to receive CPE credit, you must be registered for the webinar and attend live; you may not be an unregistered person participating in a group setting.

This Virtual FastTrack will be eligible for 7 CPEs