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(as of Sep 13, 2024) 
African Methodist/Episcopal 2
Anglican 8
Apostolic 1
Assemblies of God 56
American 12
Conservative 2
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 31
General 18
Missionary 12
National Convention of America 2
North American 2
Other 34
Progressive National 2
Regular 7
Southern 327
Bible Fellowship 2
Catholic 23
Christian Church of No. America, Gen. Council 1
Christian Missionary Alliance 4
Christian Reformed 3
Church of Christ 15
Church of God 20
Church of God in Christ 1
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference 1
Disciples of Christ/Christian 16
Episcopal 46
EV Lutheran Ch in America 37
Evangelical Covenant Church 5
Evangelical Free Church in Amer 30
Evangelical Friends 1
Fellowship Christian Assemblies 1
Foursquare 2
Free Methodist 3
Fundamentalists 1
Global Methodist Church 5
Holiness, Charismatic, Apostolic 1
Lutheran 15
Missouri Synod 30
Cong/Mission for Christ 8
Methodist 9
Missionary Church 1
Nazarene 2
No denom/no church now 12
Nondenominational 252
Orthodox 4
Pentecostal 6
Presbyterian 9
Church in America (PCA) 21
Church, USA 113
Associate Reformed 1
Cumberland 1
Evangelical (EPC) 17
Covenant Order of Evangelical (ECO) 17
Reformed Ch in America 2
Unitarian Universalist 4
United COC/Congregational 10
United Methodist Church 128
Vineyard USA 2
Business Members 67    

Total all groups  1,465

An interdenominational association of churches and individuals, The Church Network (TCN) is a professional organization with a diverse membership. TCN offers valuable opportunities to leverage collective thought of a large group of church administrative leaders with a wide range of experiences and resources.

Why does membership matter? TCN membership matters because it is designed to support and enhance your administration effectiveness through opportunities for you to expand your network, save money, develop your professional skills, protect your church and strengthen your staff.

Expand your network: Add the diverse group of church administrative leaders to your network. Gain support, knowledge and lasting relationships. Access hundreds of certification projects completed in actual church settings. View free courses in our ever expanding elearning lab.

TCN helps you save money for your church through significant member discounts and free resources, as well as a variety of tools and information with the latest tips on handling finances and cutting costs.


Active $225.00
  (voting) membership may be granted to those who are employed (paid) full-time or part-time on the staff of a Christian church. This may include denominational members with like responsibilities who serve at other levels of their denominations such as Presbyteries, Synods, Conferences, Dioceses, et cetera; and active duty members of the United States Armed Forces who are assigned duties as Chapel Manager, Chaplain’s Assistant, or other Christian business administrative duties in their military service.

Associate $225.00
(voting) membership may be granted to those engaged in an activity closely related to Christian administration in a Christian institution/foundation or not-for-profit organization (501(c)(3)). Active and Associate must adhere to the TCN Code of Ethics.

Business $400.00  (non-voting) membership may be granted to individuals or individuals who represent for-profit companies wishing to join for commercial purposes and who desire to join in the support of TCN, its purposes, and its programs. This category includes those individuals, or individuals representing organizations, that provide consulting services to churches.

Student $55.00 (non-voting) membership may be granted to individuals who are full-time students in a college or seminary, who are interested in church administration. Student membership is limited to not more than a five-year period. Full time students, if employed part time by a Christian church/organization are eligible for student membership.

Affiliate $225.00 (non-voting) membership is for individuals who do not meet the definitions for Active, Associate, or Business membership, includes volunteers (unpaid) and those seeking employment.

Additional Member $150.00  from the same organization across all member types.


Download Emeritus application form

The following guidelines will be used for granting the Emeritus status: Those applying for Emeritus status should have been an Active, Associate or Business member for:

  • at least ten years,
  • attended the Annual Conference a minimum of five times,
  • attained age 62, and
  • entered into a retirement recognized by the local congregation or institution for whom the applicant last worked. It is further understood that retirement means that the applicant is not engaged in any full-time Christian administration employment.

Applications should be emailed to Tammy Mirau (