Marketing Opportunities

The Church Network's marketing opportunities help companies and non-profits connect with our expanding network. Some are limited to companies that are business members of the association and others are open to anyone providing services or resources to the faith community.

Limited to Business and Associate Members

Content Sharing - No cost to Business Members

Professional Articles offer guidance in a particular area of the writer's expertise. Content centers around the following: budgeting, finances, and accounting;  human resources; facilities management; strategic planning; office management; information technology; transportation; church organizational structure; and church leadership. Articles may vary in length. Generally, article length varies from 800 - 2100 words. Click for detailed guidelines

BizBriefs offers a free opportunity to business members to keep their name and organization in front of the TCN membership. Content should be short (50-150 words) documents on a tip, trend, insight, or knowledge fact. While appeals go out only a few times a year, BizBriefs can be included in the monthly MemberNews or the TCN print Journal, so you can submit one at any time to include in an upcoming publication.
Social Media Blast for Business Members will provide a specific link to a resource, service or event to be shared on the TCN Social media accounts. Can include a picture or graphic to go along with the specific promotion or allow use of business logo to be used in a graphic made by our team. Business members may also be chosen to do an interview style live stream to discuss the service provided or upcoming event. Material will be shared on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. 

Member Newsletter Digital Ad

TCN Member News is a monthly digital newsletter which goes out to all our national members on the second Wednesday of each month.  TCN offers two digital marketing slots per month. Ads appear in the body of the newsletter and can hyperlink to a preferred redirect location. When an ad is paid, it is put on the schedule for the month of commitment. Multiple-month commitments are welcome. With a multiple-month commitment, you can update your ads and links as often as you choose. New ads must be received by the first day of the month the ad is scheduled to post. 

Cost is $500 per slot. Click to see example
Go to the Member News Ad page for details

These opportunities are Open to All

Print Journal

Twice a year, pre-conference and post-conference, TCN publishes a print journal. Full-page and half-page offerings are available in each issue. For pricing and ad space availability, please reach out to

National Conference

Sponsorship We have 4 levels of sponsorships available: Diamond, Platinum, Gold & Silver. Please see our Exhibitor Prospectus for items included and pricing.

Booth All booths are 10' x 10' and comes with 8' high pipe and drape back wall; 3' high pipe and drape side wall; 7" x 11" identification sign; one 6' draped table; two side chairs; and one waste basket. Each booth includes registration for two individuals per booth including two sets of meal tickets for the meals that take place during the Trade Show. Booth pricing can be found in our Exhibitor Prospectus.

Print Ad Advertising in the conference notebook is another way to keep your service or product before the conferees long after the conference ends. The notebook is distributed to all registered attendees. Prices & sizing can be found in our Exhibitor Prospectus.

App Ad The Church Network app is a key feature at our conference. All conference sponsors are listed on the app just like the conference website. Additional ads can be purchased to display in the app. Spaces such as the loading screen, rotating banner and push notifications can be used as a place to feature an advertisement for a sponsor or exhibitor at the conference. 

TCN Weekly News Brief

Under construction. More to come soon!

General Questions about all advertising opportunities can be directed to the TCN national office at 972.699.7555 or email to As always, we appreciate your support.