5 Reasons Churches Should Protect Their Facebook Privacy

Mark Zuckerberg’s trip to Capitol Hill last month shined the spotlight on Facebook’s privacy holes and breaches and the devastating impact on an estimated 87 million users and their private information. How does this affect churches and their online social profiles?

Self Care: It’s not about changing others

Here’s something I learned about church leadership: It’s not about changing others. This was a hard-won lesson for me, after years of trying to do just that. And it was a relief when I finally learned it.

Leadership Integrity

Dennis Waitley in his book Being the Best reports the story of Reuben Gonzales, a leading racquetball player. Gonzales reached the final in his first ever professional tournament. Holding match point in the fifth and final game, he made an amazing “kill shot” into the front corner.

New Revenue Recognition Standard - Will it impact me?  

On June 21, 2018, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Accounting Standard Update (ASU) 2018-08: Clarifying the Scope and the Accounting Guidance for Contributions Received and Contributions Made.

Is Your Organization’s Internal Financial Reporting Process Exactly Backward?

hy is it that in many nonprofit organizations, the top leaders and decision-makers of the organization, who are not accountants, are given the organization’s critical financial information in a format designed by accountants for accountants? 

Accounting Trends and Challenges

Managing church finances involves much more than reconciling accounts or sending out donation receipts. This vital function requires in-depth knowledge of the structure, vision, and future plans of the church. It involves providing not just accurate financial reports but also offering information to help church leaders make wise decisions.

10 Tips for Negotiating Your Cyber Insurance Policy

Cyber insurance provides critical protection against the legal and financial repercussions of a data breach, but policy terms vary widely among insurers. These 10 recommendations will help you negotiate the best terms for your association and stay ahead of the hackers.

5 Technology Advances for Governance Excellence

Technology drives much of what we do today. It impacts so many aspects of church administration. You know that because you are aware of what happens in the office if the server goes down or something happens to the internet connection… absolutely nothing!

Financial Integrity as the Foundation: My Interview with Dan Busby

As we celebrate another National Church Administration Day, I am reminded that without integrity, there is no sound basis for church administration. In all the busyness and complexity of our day-to-day life as church administrators, we cannot afford to forget the foundation of integrity.

Layered Security Approach for Churches

The security industry is receiving an increasing number of requests for various types of security solutions from churches. National news outlets are reporting an ever-increasing number of church vandalism, theft, robberies, and in some instances active shooters on or within church campuses

7 Ways to Avoid a Financial Train Wreck

In church governance, high attention must be given to the spiritual aspects of the church—focusing on the spiritual health of the body. All too often there is a tension in church governance between spiritual matters and faithful administration of financial resources.

How to Deter Fraud in Not-for-Profit Organizations

Any organization can be a victim of fraud. According to the most recent Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, issued March 30, 2016, by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)...

Your New Building Concept Looks Great!

 When a congregation intends to build, or undertake significant renovation, church leaders will invest a lot of time and energy in developing a building concept, a picture of the future church building or renovation. Significant dollars will be invested in blueprints that are used for competitive bidding, or for a design-build process